Electric Boiler Heating System in 2023 | The Ultimate Guide

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An electric boiler heating system is a type of heating system that uses electricity as its primary energy source to heat water, which is then circulated through radiators or underfloor heating pipes to provide warmth in a home or building.



What is an electric boiler heating system?

An electric boiler heating system is a type of heating system that uses electricity to heat water, which is then circulated throughout a building to provide warmth. Unlike traditional gas or oil boilers, electric boilers don’t require a flue or chimney to vent waste gases, making them a cleaner and more efficient option for many homes and buildings.

Electric boiler heating systems are often used in homes and small to medium-sized buildings where gas or oil heating is not available or is prohibitively expensive. They are also popular in areas where renewable electricity sources are readily available, as they can be powered by renewable energy sources like solar or wind power.

Pros & Cons

Electric boiler heating systems have several advantages and disadvantages compared to other types of heating systems. Here are some of the pros and cons of electric boiler heating systems:


  • Efficient: Electric boiler heating systems are generally considered to be more efficient than gas or oil boilers because they don’t lose heat through a flue or chimney.
  • Clean: Electric boiler heating systems don’t produce any emissions or waste gases, making them a clean and environmentally-friendly option for heating.
  • Safe: Because electric heating boilers don’t produce combustion gases or flames, they are generally considered to be safer than gas or oil boilers.
  • Easy to install: Electric boiler heating systems are typically easy to install and don’t require a flue or chimney, which can make them a more flexible and cost-effective option for many homes and buildings.
  • Quiet: Electric boilers are typically very quiet when in operation, making them a good choice for homes and buildings where noise is a concern.


  • Higher energy costs: In areas where electricity is more expensive than gas or oil, electric boilers can be more expensive to run.
  • Limited capacity: Electric boiler heating systems may not be suitable for larger buildings or homes with high heating demands, as they may not be able to keep up with the demand for heat.
  • Require electricity: Electric boiler heating systems require a reliable source of electricity to operate, which can be a disadvantage in areas with frequent power outages.
  • Maintenance: While electric heating boilers require less maintenance than gas or oil boilers, they still require regular maintenance to keep them running efficiently and prevent breakdowns.
  • Upfront cost: The upfront cost of purchasing and installing an electric boiler can be higher than gas or oil boilers, although this may be offset by the lower operating costs over time.



electric boiler heating system


How does an electric boiler heating system work?

An electric boiler heating system works by using an electric heating element to heat water, which is then circulated through a building to provide heat. Here’s how it works:

  1. Water is heated in an electric boiler unit: An electric boiler unit contains an electric heating element that heats water to a set temperature.
  2. Water is circulated through pipes: Once the water in the electric boiler unit reaches the desired temperature, it is pumped through a series of pipes.
  3. Heat is transferred to radiators or underfloor heating elements: The water flows through radiators or underfloor heating elements, transferring heat to the surrounding air.
  4. Air is warmed and circulated throughout the building: The warmed air rises and circulates throughout the building, providing heat.
  5. The process repeats as needed: The electric boiler unit continually heats water and pumps it through the system to maintain the desired temperature.

Unlike gas or oil boilers, electric boiler heating systems don’t require a flue or chimney to vent waste gases. This makes them a cleaner and more efficient option for many homes and buildings.


How long do electric boiler heating systems typically last?

The lifespan of an electric boiler heating system can vary depending on several factors, including the quality of the equipment, the level of maintenance it receives, and how often it is used. However, electric boilers typically have a longer lifespan than gas or oil boilers, as they have fewer moving parts and don’t suffer from the same types of wear and tear.

In general, a well-maintained electric boiler heating system can last anywhere from 15 to 20 years or more. Some high-quality models may last even longer with proper maintenance and care.

To get the most out of your electric boiler heating system, it’s also important to use it properly and not overload it. Avoid turning the heat up too high or running it for extended periods of time without a break. This can cause unnecessary wear and tear on the system and shorten its lifespan. With proper maintenance and care, an electric boiler heating system can provide reliable and efficient heating for many years.



electric boiler heating systems


How efficient are electric boilers compared to other heating systems?

The efficiency of an electric boiler can vary depending on factors like the age and condition of the equipment, the size of the system, and how it is used. However, modern electric boilers can be very efficient, with some models boasting efficiency ratings of up to 99%. This means that almost all of the electricity used by the boiler is converted into heat for your home or building.


How do I calculate the size of an electric boiler for heating?

Calculating the size of an electric boiler for heating depends on several factors, including the size of the space to be heated, the level of insulation, the local climate, and the desired temperature range. Here are the steps to calculate the size of an electric boiler for heating:

  1. Determine the square footage of the space to be heated: Measure the length and width of each room to be heated and multiply the two numbers to get the square footage. Add up the square footage of all the rooms to get the total square footage.
  2. Calculate the heating load: The heating load is the amount of heat energy required to maintain the desired temperature range in the space. To calculate the heating load, multiply the total square footage by a factor of 10 to 15 BTUs (British Thermal Units) per square foot. For example, a 1,000-square-foot space would require a heating load of 10,000 to 15,000 BTUs.
  3. Consider other factors: Other factors that can affect the size of the electric boiler needed include the level of insulation in the space, the local climate, and the desired temperature range. If the space is poorly insulated or located in a very cold climate, a larger boiler may be needed to maintain the desired temperature range.
  4. Consult with a heating professional: To ensure that you choose the right size electric boiler for your needs, it’s a good idea to consult with a heating professional. They can help you calculate the heating load and recommend a boiler size that will meet your heating needs.

Keep in mind that electric boilers come in a range of sizes and capacities, so it’s important to choose a model that is the right size for your space and heating needs. Oversized boilers can be inefficient and costly to run, while undersized boilers may not be able to keep up with the demand for heat.


Electric boiler heating system vs oil

When considering electric boiler heating systems vs oil heating systems, there are several factors to take into account, including:

  1. Cost: The cost of installation, maintenance, and fuel can vary widely between electric boilers and oil heating systems. In general, electric boilers tend to be less expensive to install and maintain, while oil heating systems may be less expensive to fuel.
  2. Efficiency: Electric heating boilers can be highly efficient, with some models boasting efficiency ratings of up to 99%. In comparison, oil heating systems typically have lower efficiency ratings, ranging from 80% to 95%. This means that electric boilers can be more cost-effective in the long run, despite the potentially higher cost of electricity.
  3. Environmental impact: Electric boiler heating systems do not produce any emissions, making them a cleaner heating option than oil heating systems. Oil heating systems produce greenhouse gas emissions and can also lead to air pollution.
  4. Convenience: Electric boiler heating systems are typically smaller and quieter than oil heating systems, and they do not require a storage tank for fuel. This can make them more convenient for some homeowners.
  5. Availability: Electric boilers are available in many areas, while oil heating systems may not be available in all regions.

Overall, electric boilers can be a good choice for homeowners who want a clean, efficient, and cost-effective heating system. However, in areas where electricity is more expensive or where oil heating systems are more common, an oil heating system may be a better option.


electric boiler heating system cost


How much does it cost to run an electric boiler heating system?

The cost to run an electric boiler heating system depends on several factors, including the size and efficiency of the boiler, the cost of electricity in your area, and how often the boiler is used. Here are some estimates for the cost to run an electric boiler based on average energy prices in the world:

  1. Electricity costs: The cost of electricity varies by region and can range from around 10 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) to over 20 cents per kWh. On average, the cost of electricity in the United States is around 13 cents per kWh.
  2. Boiler size and efficiency: Electric boilers come in a range of sizes and efficiencies, with some models boasting efficiency ratings of up to 99%. The size and efficiency of the boiler can affect the amount of electricity it uses and, therefore, the cost to run it.
  3. Frequency of use: The cost to run an electric boiler will also depend on how often it is used. In colder climates, the boiler may need to run more frequently, which can increase energy costs.

Based on these factors, here are some estimates for the cost to run an electric boiler:

  • For a small electric boiler (around 10kW), the average cost to run it for 8 hours a day is around $3.60 to $4.80 per day or around $108 to $144 per month.
  • For a larger electric boiler (around 30kW), the average cost to run it for 8 hours a day is around $10.80 to $14.40 per day or around $324 to $432 per month.

Keep in mind that these are estimates and the actual cost to run an electric boiler will depend on your specific circumstances. It’s a good idea to consult with a heating professional or use an online energy cost calculator to get a more accurate estimate of the cost to run an electric boiler in your area.



An electric boiler heating system is an efficient and cost-effective way to heat a home or building. If you want to learn about the detailed parameters and prices of electric boiler heating systems, please contact us at +0086 186-2391-5479.

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