How Much Does It Cost to Install a 1 Ton Steam Boiler

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A new 1-ton steam boiler can be priced from $2,450 to $8,500 depending on specification and features.

A 1-ton steam boiler is one large-scaled industrial boiler able to deliver 1,000 kilograms of steam per hour under continuous operation.

The thermal efficiency of one ton steam boilers is 70–90%, based on fuel and design.

What does 1 ton steam boiler mean?

1 ton steam boiler represents the power of a steam boiler capable of producing 1 ton of steam in one hour.

1,000 pounds per hour = 1 ton of steam per hour.

A steam boiler is an apparatus that uses water to create steam as the source of energy.

The boilers are designed to produce steam for basic applications: heating, cooling, and power production.

Many industries use steam boilers for producing heat that allows energy to be used in many other processes.

Some examples include a boiler in the manufacturing plant where the production starts, and it is running to allow heat supply to those units or a boiler that provides heat at many different stages on the production line.

steam boiler

How long does a 1 ton steam boiler last?

A 1-ton steam boiler, depending on many factors, can live up to 15-20 years.

Mostly, the quality of work and materials put into your construction will largely determine the lifespan of your equipment.

In many cases, boilers are either made from materials of inferior quality or those known to easily break down and thus will need an earlier replacement than envisaged.

The average lifespan of the boiler is based on how many hours it runs, how much water it heats, and how much it distributes over its lifetime.

A boiler used for most commercial applications would run more hours compared to one in a residential application.

Usually, 1 ton steam boilers don’t always run under a full load all the time but at a lower temperature, which means that they can last for years.

However, this approach may cause inefficiency and great expenditures on fuels for your site.

What kind of fuel can 1 ton steam boilers use?

In general, 1 ton steam boiler can use coal, oil, gas, and biomass.

Many boilers can use several fuels.

However, it is all dependent on the types and sizes of your boiler.

Again, if you are in a path of trying to go green with a friendlier footprint, this also is a good source as your primary fuel.

As an example, you may have a forest on your property that is being harvested for wood pulp to be used in making paper products.

In this case, the waste sawdust from the harvest can be diverted to your 1-ton steam boiler instead of being thrown away or buried in a landfill.

Some boilers are designed with even broader fuel selection, for example, oil and gas (LGO) or gas and solid, waste-to-energy (GTO).

These types of boilers are a lot more flexible when it comes time to choose what type of fuel consumers want their boiler to be operating from at any given time, although they may be a bit more expensive than traditional boilers due not only to added complexity.

gas steam boilers

What is the efficiency of the 1 ton steam boiler?

The boiler efficiency of 1 ton steam boiler is about 70% to 90% on the average.

Efficiency Boiler efficiency is a percentage of total fuel energy that is converted into useful heat energy.

It is expressed as a percentage, and of course, if one is to have an efficiency of 80%, it would be quite literal to say one would have 80 out of every 100 units of energy content in your fuel converted to useful heat.

In terms of efficiency, the higher it is, the lesser impact an appliance has on the environment, as well as the lower the operating costs, thus a proper boiler must be rated appropriately.

There are also so many factors that could possibly affect the efficiency of a steam boiler:

Type of equipment and how well it is maintained

Whether using gas or oil or electricity or coal

Whether the application uses radiant heating or direct heating

How to Size a Steam Boiler

A question that comes to mind is how to size a steam boiler.

The steam pressure varies according to your application: for example, the required steam pressure will be different in a heat exchanger from that in the turbine.

The volume of steam needed will therefore determine the size of steam boiler.

Example: In an application in which 2000 lbs/hr of saturated water at 150 psig are to be heated to 285°F and the condensate is returned from the process at 100 psi and 15 GPM, you would start with a 1-ton (1000 lbs/hr) boiler.

Suppose 4″ diameter tubes, and 3′ wide flues with 4′ long radiators in every room, then there would be sufficient heat transfer surface area to condense the 100 PSIG back into your house’s HVAC system.

natural gas boiler cost

How much does a 1 ton steam boiler cost?

1 ton steam boiler price You can expect prices to range between $2,450 and $8,500 for a 1-ton steam boiler.

The cost of a steam boiler will depend on its size and manufacturer.

Finally, consider the following added elements: Type of fuel: Fuel type affects heating cost and other operating costs like electricity, natural gas, or oil.

Rating of efficiency: A higher rate of efficiency implies that lesser energy would be needed over time to carry out functions like water heating or steam generation.

How much you pay for the new installation of your steam boiler depends on how far this system will need to be situated from pre-installed plumbing infrastructure and some other circumstances like if some features exist, if it’s a particularly tall ceiling, or you’re dealing with large rooms.

The point is that your installer will give you an estimate with these factors in mind when having a consultation so that you are not surprised by something later down the road.

The Features of  steam boiler

Boiler Size (T/h) Fuel Type Efficiency (%) Estimated Cost (USD)
1-10 Natural Gas 85-94 3,500 – 8,500
95-98 5,000 – 10,000
Propane 85-94 3,800 – 8,300
95-98 5,300 – 10,800
10-20 Natural Gas 85-94 8,500 – 15,500
95-98 9,000 – 17,500
Propane 85-94 8,800 – 15,800
95-98 9,300 – 18,500
20+ Natural Gas 85-94 12,500+
95-98 15,000+
Propane 85-94 15,500+
95-98 18,000+


A 1-ton steam boiler is great for anyone who wants to get started with a home heating system.

Not only is it inexpensive, but it is also very effective for all those in search of simplicity and efficacy.

Kindly contact us at +008615690850708 should you have any questions regarding boilers.

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